Sugar vs. Fat:

Sugar vs. Fat: Understand the Real Villain!


Drop that marshmallow. And why is that cheese slice out for the dog's feed? I will tell you why you are getting fat even after so many fat cuts.

Becoming fat is not a choice. It happens to everyone following a typical lifestyle. But getting back in shape and looking fit like you are supposed to is a choice for a better well being.
Fat Cut?
You get fat with fat accumulating in your subcutaneous and visceral spaces. True. But not all that is from your diet. Only 20 % is from the diet. The rest is made by the body itself. That too from sugars. When you eat excess sugar, your pancreas produces insulin and the excess of sugar is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver. And your fat gets stored in adipose as a result of this insulin produced.
It is like putting the wrong guy in jail for the mistake of his friend. By cutting fat, you are at risk of getting deficits of HDL (high-density lipoprotein), bad skin, poor wound healing, and even cardiac outcomes. But do not get me wrong, you do not need to eat excess fat either.
Sugar Cut, Maybe?
Correct. Cut those excess sugars from your diet. Go for sugarless chocolates and desserts whenever you crave for them. Use artificial sweeteners in drinks. Cut down that white rice. Go with wheat instead. And if you are more than 35 years of age, it is time to limit your milk drinking to coffee and tea only. Cut more than 50 % of your current sugar consumption and eat a bit of healthy fat. But not excess.
Eggs, cod oils, yogurt, etc., are rich sources of unsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Cutting these out and eating more rice will definitely make one unhealthy. So, be wise and eat healthy. Live well.
Never fall for over-the-counter shortcuts to reduce your weight. Always remember that health is the greatest gift you can give yourself.


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