Hair Loss in Children - How to Treat It with Homeopathy?

Hair Loss in Children - How to Treat It with Homeopathy?

Hair loss is an issue we usually associate with adults, but hair loss is fairly common in children as well. A majority of children (26 months or older) have hair loss problem and it can be frightening for parents. As compared to adults, it is easier to treat or grow back hair in children once the underlying cause is known.
Let us understand the main cause of hair loss in children -
1) Tinea capitis (Ringworm of scalp) - This is a kind of fungal infection of scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes. This infection is the most common cause of hair loss in children. Children suffering from tinea capitis usually have patchy hair loss with some broken off hairs which are visible on the scalp. Broken hairs sometimes look like a black dot on the scalp.
Ringworm is a contagious infection. Hence, it is advised not to share any objects that are in contact with your child's head like pillows, hats, hair clips, combs, etc.
Homeopathic remedies like Bacillinum, Graphitis, Mezereum, Sulphur, Psorimun, and Tellurinum can be used in treating this condition.
2) Alopecia areata (round oval patch over the scalp) - The sudden appearance of round or oval patches of hair loss is called as alopecia areata. This is a non-contagious form of hair loss. The hair loss patch is completely smooth and soft, with no signs of broken hairs, or any inflammation. A small number of children may also develop pitting of nails along with alopecia. Alopecia areata is usually caused by the body's immune system attacking the hair follicles.
Appropriate treatment is very essential for this kind of hair loss in order to prevent the progression of the disease. With appropriate treatment, the lost hair can be regained within a year. If the treatment is delayed, the child may keep losing the hair.
Homeopathic remedies act like a miracle in treating alopecia areata. I have personally seen that homeopathic remedies, given after considering the totality of the patient, more likely provide positive results than giving just specific remedies, where the recurrence of the problem is very common.
3) Trauma to the hair shaft - Trauma caused by wearing tight rubber bands around the hair or tight ponytails, chemical burns due to the use of highly concentrated chemicals over the hairs for hair treatment, etc. This kind of trauma is another common cause of hair loss in children. Once the cause is removed, hairs are likely to grow back.
After removing the cause, the child may take Arnica 30C two pills in two spoons of water every day for 10 days. Arnica will relieve the pain that was caused due to trauma to the scalp.
4) Telogen effluvium (Sudden and severe stress) - In this condition, the hair loss is caused in children when their body goes through some stress like having a high-grade fever due to some infection, undergone surgery, severe nutritional deficiencies, using certain medications for longer periods of time, or emotional stress due to the death of loved ones, etc. The above-mentioned stress can disrupt the normal cycle of hair growth which leads to the hair loss.
There is no particular treatment for this condition in allopathic system of medicine, but with the help of homeopathy, the child can overcome the stressful event, allowing hair to grow back and maintain the normal hair growth cycle. In order to treat this condition, understanding at the level of mental, emotional, and physical state of the child is very important. Psychological counseling is necessary as well, especially if the child is going through emotional stress.
Along with medicine and counseling, good nutritional support will help regain the hair. B-complex vitamins and zinc supplements are good for the hair growth.

5) Hypothyroidism (insufficient amount of thyroid production) - Sometimes, hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland is underactive and produces insufficient amounts of thyroid hormone, can be the cause of hair loss in children. Thyroid medications will prevent the hair loss and bring the thyroid levels back to normal. Homeopathic remedies to a greater extent, help normalize the thyroid hormones. Based on the complete picture of the child, an indicative homeopathic remedy should be prescribed, especially for endocrinal problems like hypothyroidism.
Treatment and management of hair loss in children are very critical, and a timely action is required to stop further damage and prevent similar future occurrences. There are several homeopathy-specific remedies for hair loss in children and some of them are mentioned above. These specific remedies can miraculously treat the condition. However, most of the time, it becomes essential to prescribe the classical remedy which is based on the patients' overall health history and considering the totality of the child.
So, in order to permanently treat this condition, I would suggest to always go for classical approach or an approach that is based on the totality of the patient and not just the symptom.
